Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Amele Nodona

Its a favorite phrase in my language. In fact in any other language. Its one of those things which unites all cultures together. It means "we'll see later". Its probably the cause of some men's various chagrins. The cause of a lot of apathies. But widely accepted as a drug to deal with things at our own pace. Notice I said drug which means too much of it can be a bad thing.

Procrastination is also to some a way of life. Why do something now when you can do it later is usually their maxim. Nice one. Not really. 

Its also used as an excuse to get away from things. Think about it you've had a really bad and grinding day and come home and your kid keeps nagging at you for a new toy that he/she wants you promised a long time ago, you look at him/her with all seriousness and say we'll see tomorrow; he/she makes a lot of noise and goes away, you smile contendly as you lay back on the sofa as your kid sulks at a broken promise.  Wondorous tool this is!
May also kill you like in scenarios of you being in an ER, bleeding. But still.
What be the point of this entry ? Nothing actually was just listening to Pink Floyd's Time. Brilliant song . One of the best guitar guitar riffs ever. Go and listen to it. Think a little too when you say "we'll see later". I'm trying. But hey we all need to deal with life some way don't we ?