Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bad is Good ... HAHAHA

"Once upon a time, long ago and far away, there was a great battle between Good and Evil. Good was triumphant, and as a result Humanity has lived happily ever after .
But supposing Evil threw the fight ....
And supposing Good cheated .... " - Tom Holt, Paint Your Dragon pg 1

What if we had it all wrong ....
What if all that you believed in turned out as blasphemy. What if the all perfect God was not perfect. To be a biblical basher, wasn't Satan once Lucifer The Bringer of Light (to ignorants Satan was once a Seraphim, the highest echelon on angels). Wasn't God responsible for the creation of everything including everyone's will, the will that went against Him. Dear me where would you go then.

This doubt has occurred in humanity once to many. We follow the philosophy of one Renaissance writer's book, Machiavelli's The Prince. To ignorants the gist of what his book says is as much; A statement or motion is absolutely true until proven false. Think about it the whole legal systems, scientific bodies, investigations, all which we have our faiths in follow this system. Now what if new evidence, proof or facts which would change our view as the absolute truth. What would you consider true?

A few decades ago we held that matter and energy were two absolutely different concepts. The quantum theory and sub atomic studies ripped apart that notion. We now laugh at the people who believe they are not interchangeable.

Law systems work on the principle "Innocent till proven Guilty". A man is considered innocent and a shining example to society until of course someone frames him for some dangerous slander.

People don't like doubt. Change is not welcome. Well its the only thing that keep us going. So the next time you hear a small voice in your head which doubts your "absolute truth", acknowledge it. It just might make you wiser. It just might save your butt. It might make you a moron then you can be sure of that at least.


Vivek Padmanabhan said...

Sir Floydus!! As sincere as your outrage against the monstrosity that we've created over the decades, you must realize that it was created by us. Not just any human! Human beings who were both selfish or greedy and well beyond their times to create a propaganda like society, law or a concept like god and to use it so tactfully for their own benefit. I believe that they are worthy of praise. Mind you that such a task is no child's play! I suggest that you sit back and watch the play that we call life. You just might realize that it interests you more than it has repulsed you so far. :)

Shashidhar a.k.a. Sir Floydus said...

Indeed it has interested me more Hajiman